District Assessments

District Assessment Header

Subject: Reading and Math
Grades: K-10
Diagnostic timed multiple-choice test which determines grade level of reading and math.  The purpose is to assist the teachers, school administrators, and district administrators in informing instruction.

(Link to information in Spanish)
Subject: Literacy
Grades: K-8
DIBELS are measures that help teachers and schools determine how students are performing on important reading skills. DIBELS stands for Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills.

Early Literacy Screening
Subject: Dyslexia Screening
Grades: K-2
Dyslexia is a difference in the way the brain processes information. Students with dyslexic tendencies can have a more challenging time learning to read, write, and spell. Research teaches us that early intervention is the key to student success.

Students are assessed in the following areas:

  • Phonemic Awareness - The ability to hear, identify, move or change the smallest units of sound in spoken words.
  • Phonological Awareness - Encompasses speech sounds, such as rhyming, alliteration, the number of words in a sentence, and the syllables within words.
  • Letter-Sound Knowledge - The sounds represented by letters of the alphabet and combinations of letters that make speech sounds.
  • Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) - The ability to quickly name aloud a series of familiar items, including letters, numbers, colors, and objects found in a classroom.

To help students learn and thrive, we use data from assessments along with teacher observations and conversations with families. Then, in partnership,develop intervention supports to help students, including those who exhibit signs of dyslexia.

Fountas and Pinnell (F&P) Benchmark Assessment System

Grades: K-8
Formative assessment of reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension administered one-on-one. Student reads and the teacher tracks errors and fluency. Comprehension conversation follows. The purpose of this test is to track growth in reading ability and comprehension. Students are rated A to Z. Aligns with F&P leveled reading program. Many library and classroom library books are leveled A to Z.

Avant STAMP™

Subject: World Language
Grades: 9-12
This test provides constructive analysis and data for program development, enabling educators to improve language learning outcomes and make more informed decisions on curriculum and training.  This test is also used to qualify students for the Seal of Biliteracy.

Subject: Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal reasoning
Grades: K-12 (select students)
CogAT measures abilities across the symbol systems that are most highly correlated with fluid reasoning, problem solving, and success in school.  This test is given to students who are pre-selected to determine qualification for the Highly Capable program.