School Board

Sequim School Board of Directors

The five-member Board of Directors sets the policies that guide Sequim's public education from Kindergarten through grade twelve.  All voters within the school district elect the Directors, who generally serve a four-year term unless appointed to fill a vacant position.  Two members serve in At Large positions, and the remaining three are elected from specific geographic areas.   

The Board selects a superintendent to administer adopted policies; however, the Board is the final authority on all matters concerning the district. (RCW 28A.320.010)  

When a meeting date falls on a legal holiday, the meeting will be held on the next business day.  The Board functions through regular meetings, special meetings, and emergency meetings as defined in Policy number 1400.

MapSequim School District Board of Directors positions are elected by location of the address where they reside. Districts 1, 2, 3, have 1 position each there are also (2) at-large positions.
Click map to view these districts by geographical location.

  If you have questions, please contact Trayce Norman, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent at (360)582-3262.  Thank you for your interest in the Sequim School District!

Superintendent Regan Nickels
Regan Nickels
[email protected]

Director Larry Jeffryes
Director Larry Jeffryes WIAA/Leg Rep.
District 1, Term Expires 11/27
[email protected]

Ariana Bajo Salas
Ariana Bajo Salas
Senior Representative

Eric Pickens
President Eric Pickens
District 3, term expires 11/27
[email protected]

Vice President Patrice Johnston
Director Patrice Johnston
District 2, term expires 11/25
[email protected]

Lincoln Forrest
Junior Representative

Director Maren Halvorsen
Director Maren Halvorsen
At-Large, Term Expires 11/25

[email protected]

Director Michael Rocha
Vice President Michael Rocha
At large, Term Expires 11/27
[email protected]

Please email:
[email protected]
to connect with all board members 
and the superintendent.