Student Responsible Use of Technology and Internet-based Resources
Sequim School District staff and students use technology and internet-based tools on a regular basis as part of the educational process. Every authorized user of information technology resources at Sequim School District assume personal responsibility for utilizing these resources in an efficient, ethical, and legal manner and in ways consistent with overall district policy 2022 & 2022P can be found under School Board/Policy and Procedures.
Digital media and technology-based tools are used to support student learning. Sequim School District has tools in place to restrict access to undesirable material; although it is not possible to block all objectionable content, these filters are reviewed and updated on a consistent basis. As parents and teachers, we must teach students to be responsible, safe and proficient consumers of these digital platforms.
With educational opportunity comes responsibility; Sequim School District’s approach for accessing these digital resources and tools follows the Responsible Use Procedure; that places the courteous, appropriate, and legal use of the digital resources/tools on consumer. By using these resources, users accept full responsibility for their actions and agree to use these resources in an ethical manner. In addition, individuals are also subject to federal, state, and local laws governing many interactions that occur on the Internet.
How to Opt-Out a student from computer access:
If you DO NOT want your student to have access to these digital resources/tools while at school, please complete and sign the form and return it to your student’s school. If at any time you would like to rescind this decision and change your permission, you must inform the school in writing.
Technology Opt-Out Form
By submitting the Opt-Out Form to my students school, I understand that my student will still be required to take the Smarter Balanced Assessment and other District Assessments through a secure browser on a district-managed device.