The Sequim School Board holds every school accountable to the following expectations. Schools must clearly post these expectations, teach them at the beginning of each school year, and reinforce them consistently throughout the year. Schools should also set school-specific expectations, and should post, teach, and reinforce them at the same time as the district wide expectations.
Each school will develop and implement a school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports [PBIS] plan with input from teachers, administrators, other staff, students and families. The plan must address the following five areas and provide a clear process for addressing concerns:
Schools shall be welcoming and safe for families of all cultures and backgrounds.
Schools will include students and families in setting building culture and problem solving.
Schools must inform families of both their student’s positive behavior and of behavior-related concerns. Communication must be adequate, timely, and culturally appropriate. Schools must make reasonable efforts to communicate with families in a language they understand.
Schools must define and provide a continuum of responses that include reinforcing positive behavior, support, and re-teaching opportunities as well as consequences for misbehavior. These responses will address the needs of the student who does not meet student conduct expectations, students and others directly affected by the behavior, and the school community as a whole.
Schools must document behavior concerns, responses, and any removal from classes or activities.
Schools shall identify and follow an equitable process for resolving conflict.