The Sequim School District SEL Program is a multi-tiered system. The
model to be followed is much like the models followed for Positive
Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). On-going professional
development will be provided for all district staff focusing on
understanding SEL concepts as well as learning implement strategies.
Strategies will be implemented on a three tiered system.
- Tier 1 SEL strategies are designed to be implemented for all students,
- Tier
2 strategies are designed to be implemented with targeted groups of
students identified with minimal social emotional challenges that
interfere with academic participation and achievement, and
- Tier 3
strategies will be implemented with students identified as having
significant social emotional challenges needing significant
interventions to insure appropriate participation in school and academic
District Tier 1 SEL strategies will include:
- Following the state Social Emotional Health Standards
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) strategies implemented in all classrooms
- School and family partnerships
- Implementing
programming that promotes strong classroom learning communities such as
the Building Successful Learning Communities model developed by
Washington State University.
- Adopting the Kids at Hope “All students are capable of success” philosophy.
- Adopting the Collaborative and Proactive Solutions philosophy.
- SMS Wolf Den social skills curriculum
- Use of brain development research in designing classroom environments and instruction
- Use of Zones of Regulation strategies in the elementary schools
- Classroom Guidance provided by school counselors
- Implementation of an elementary standards based report card to include SEL benchmarks
District Tier 2 SEL Strategies will include:
- Identification of students with multiple Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and minimal to no buffering supports.
- School Counselor intervention
- Individual counseling
- Group counseling
- Social Thinking instruction
- Career and College Readiness class
District Tier 3 SEL Strategies will include:
- District SEL Counselor intervention
- Implementation of the Assessment of Lagging Skills and Unsolved Problems (ALSUP)
- Hope Academy