Sequim School District No. 323
“Inspire and Achieve“
503 North Sequim Avenue, Sequim, WA 98382
Telephone: (360) 582-3260, FAX: (360) 683-6303,
May 15, 2017 Regular Board Meeting
Vice-President Short called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:00pm with all Board Directors and Student Board Representatives present, noting the absence of President Henrikson, who was previously excused. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.
PRESENT – A sign-in sheet was provided and those who wished to sign in are listed below:
Heather Short, Vice-President Jack Walsh
James Stoffer, Director Marcia Garrett, Sequim Middle School and SEA
Brian Kuh, Director Laurie Campen, Food Service
Michael Howe, Director Eric Danielson, Citizens for Sequim Schools
Dr. Ann Renker, Assistant Superintendent Robin Forrest
Heidi Hietpas, Finance and Operations Linda DeIvernois, Sequim High School
Paul Wieneke, Human Resources Tom Kelly, Transportation
Kaylee Gumm, Student Board Representative Patsene Dashiell, District Office
Téa Gauthun, Student Board Representative Larry Jeffrys
Asma Weber, Sequim High School
Gary Neal, Superintendent
Marilyn Walsh, Administrative Assistant
Director Kuh moved to approve the minutes from the May 1, 2017 Regular Board Meeting as presented. Director Stoffer seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
Director Stoffer moved to approve the agenda as printed. Director Kuh seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
For the first time since 2005, every Sequim student that competed in the 60th Annual Washington State Science and Engineering Fair (WSSEF) was awarded a First Place in their category out of the more than 600 students entered. The Washington State Science and Engineering Fair was held at Bremerton High School on March 31st and April 1st. Eight Sequim students entered six projects, many of whom have been working on their projects since this time last year. At 6:05pm Vice-President Short called for a 10-minute recess in order for the board and the audience to view the science fair projects submitted by our Middle School and High School students.
At 6:17pm Vice-President Short called the meeting back to order. Deb Beckett, Science Fair Advisor, spoke of the hard work and dedication of the science fair participants and the many mentors who volunteered their time and expertise to work with these students. Discussion followed.
Student Board Representative Téa Gauthun reported that a big Shout Out goes to Betsy Smith for the hard work she invested in making reading interventions a standard part of services for students! Dibels testing begins this week Greywolf kindergarten registration went great – 67 enrollment packets were handed out May 1 and families continue to come in to register for next year. At Greywolf Elementary art clubs at every grade level are underway. The Six Books for Kids summer reading program has arrived and volunteers will pack bags May 31. The First Federal Foundation grant will sustain the program next year. At Greywolf Elementary the Cross Laminated Tiber building schedule is going great. The cement tests came back as exceeding strength expectations. The crew will meet with Bethanie Robbins and Heidi Hietpas to go through the electrical box placement today, our fire systems are being connected and our roof and windows are all in! Students with Disabilities have finished their paper/pencil Smarter Balanced Assessments and Measure of Student Progress tests. Greywolf Elementary is so proud of them and all of their hard work. Also, kudos to Greg Newton, our resource teacher for shepherding this important work. On Thursday, Greywolf Elementary has a team making its second presentation to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. On Saturday Greywolf Elementary students will participate in the Sodexo “Chopped” culinary cooking competition. If past years are an indicator it should be a lot of fun! Thanks to Laurie Campen and her team for this event.
Student Board Representative Kaylee Gumm reported that the Sequim Middle School track season is coming to end. Their athletes have had a marvelous year demonstrating wonderful sportsmanship and growth. The last home meet is Tuesday after school. 5th grade Parent Night is May 30th, they are looking forward to meeting and greeting the new families. Sequim Middle School drama classes will be performing Romeo & Juliet during the first week of June. The operetta, “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” will be showing for the last weekend on the 18th, 19th and 20th. Sequim High School Senior Ball was a success and they would like to thank the ASB for all their hard work. The Scholarship Award Ceremony is May 31st in the auditorium. June 2nd is Campus Day and the Senior Recognition Assembly.
PUBLIC COMMENTS - The Board believes that public comments are a very important connection between our community and the Board. This time is set aside for receiving both written and oral communication. (Ref. Policy 1400, 1623, and 1620P).
Vice-President Short asked first for any comments regarding agenda items. Hearing none, Vince-President Short asked for general comments.
Ms. Marcia Garrett, representing Sequim Education Foundation asked the Board to consider signing a Letter of Support that SEF is sending to the Legislature regarding fully funding education.
Director Howe commended Deb Beckett for her work with the Science Fair. Only two students from Washington have ever made it to Nationals and both were from Sequim. In other news, former Student Board Representative Ben Hughes was awarded a full-ride military scholarship to Georgia Military Institute, with an interest in a major in Political Science, which was Director Howe’s major, as well.
Director Kuh reported that through his job, he has continued to meet with local manufacturers. There is the consistent theme of the need for skills training. The jobs are there, but the workforce pipeline isn’t as developed as it could be. Director Kuh attended the Next Generation Sector Partnership Meeting, whose purpose is to develop robust, industry-led sector partnerships for the purpose of identifying workforce training needs. This is a direct connection to primary education opportunities. Director Kuh and Director Stoffer visited with all the departments in the District Office as part of Director Kuh’s New Board Member Orientation. Director Kuh thanked Ann Renker, Heidi Hietpas, Paul Wieneke, Shelley Langston and the others in the district office, who are an excellent team that is engaged and working hard for the betterment of our students.
Director Stoffer reported that he attended the Sequim Dungeness Chamber Luncheon last week where Dr. Brandt from Battelle NW Labs spoke of the many possibilities of partnerships with the community and our schools. Also, Coastal, a new business in town, just opened and is a huge supporter of FFA Programs. There was a Ribbon Cutting Celebration for the new Café at Shipley Center and City of Sequim held an Open House for the new entrance to Carrie Blake Park. Work on the new pickle ball courts at Carrie Blake Park is expected to start late summer. There was some discussion between the various stakeholders regarding the timeline; which also led to a question from Sequim Picklers re the District Projects. They are mainly concerned with the availability of the district pickle ball courts during the construction period at the Park and then the District’s projects for the community school property. Mr. Dave Schreffler will be acting as the central contact person between all the stakeholders. Director Stoffer also attended the Bureau of Natural Resources Meeting for WSSDA Timber Lands Trust Fund and during the comment period spoke on our recent Cross Laminated Timber Wall Raising at Greywolf Elementary and the student connection with our Trust Lands while planting seedlings -- true Forest to Frame. Director Stoffer also attended The Department of Natural Resources Quarterly Briefing County Workshop last Tuesday. Director Stoffer conducted the District/Board Familiarization with Director Kuh, meeting and talking with the Business Office, Learning Support Services, Human Resources and Teaching and Learning. This was an excellent, informative refresher for him and highlights the dedicated staff we have. He would recommend it for all of us, and if possible, add a trip to the Bus Garage and maybe a bus ride, as well as chatting with Food Service Contract Team, and with Facilities Manager. He feels it’s important to show interest in the work they do for our students and brings value and worth to what we are doing here; the students come first! At the last Strategic Planning Session the group completed a SWOT Exercise – Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities; Threats. Discussing this was very helpful in understanding our community as a whole. The group also discussed the article “ Why Place Matters – A study on Environment, Culture, & Education”. There were 42 folks attending, 22 representing the various stakeholders in our community. It’s exciting listening to the conversations and watching the community working together for our schools. He thanked Superintendent Neal for arranging this. Saturday is the Region 4 WSSDA Meeting hosted by the Bremerton School District. As requested by OSPI, Superintendent Chris Reykdal would like to meet with Trust Land Task Force members on May 23 in Olympia, to discuss Common School Trust and State Forest issues. Director Stoffer thinks that this is a great opportunity to get a good start working more closely with OSPI on school trust issues. There is a Governor’s Summit on Career Connected Learning Workshop on May 31st in Port Angeles at Peninsula College Longhouse from 10am-1:30pm.
Vice-President Short thanked everyone for answering the poll regarding the day/time for the Board Workshop. It has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 27. Time and place are to be determined. There will be an Executive Session immediately following the June 19 Regular Board Meeting for the purpose of the Superintendent Evaluation. This week is elective office filing week for Board Position #2 and for the At-Large position. Work is progressing quickly on the cross laminated timber classrooms being constructed at Greywolf. Vice-President Short reviewed the exit slips from the May 1 Regular Meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA – REQUEST BOARD APPROVAL: Any item may be moved to New Business with a motion from any Board member.
a. General Fund Vouchers No. 188218 thru No. 188273 in the total amount of $158,377.24.
b. Personnel - Employment with the District will be conditional upon the district’s receipt of a criminal conviction history record that is clear of any convictions, adjudications, protective orders, final decisions, or criminal charges in accordance with Washington State law and conditional upon receipt of a sexual Misconduct Disclosure Form from prior Washington State employer(s), where employment was in a school setting, indicating that no sexual, verbal or physical misconduct materials were found in the records of such employer(s) pursuant to RCW 28A.400 and WAC 180-87-080.
1) Accept Letter of Resignation from Stacy Campbell, Greywolf Elementary second grade teacher, effective at the end of the 2016-2017 school year, as presented.
2) Accept Letter of Resignation from Charlene Danforth, Bus driver, effective May 22, 2017, for the purpose of Retirement, as presented.
3) Offer Repair Technician position to Brandon Brown, as a change of status for a current employee, effective May 1, 2017 as presented.
4) Accept Letter of Resignation from Patricia Sullivan, Greywolf Elementary Kindergarten teacher, effective at the end of the 2016-2017 school year, as presented.
5) Accept Letter of Resignation from Sara Benjamin, Sequim Middle School Math teacher, effective June 30, 2017 as presented.
6) Accept Letter of Resignation from Judy Flynn, Helen Haller Elementary School Kindergarten teacher, effective July 1, 2017, for the purpose of retirement, as presented.
7) Accept Letter of Resignation from Donna Bruneau, Helen Haller Elementary Living Skills Paraeducator, effective at the end of the 2016-2017 school year, for the purpose of retirement, as presented.
Director Kuh moved to approve the Consent Agenda, items ‘a’ thru ‘b’ as presented. Director Stoffer seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
There was none at this time.
Director Kuh moved to approve the proposed new school lunch prices for the 2017-2018 school year. Director Stoffer seconded. Discussion followed. Director Kuh withdrew his motion to approve the proposed new school lunch prices for the 2017-2018 school year, pending more information. Director Stoffer withdrew his second. The proposal will be included on a future agenda for further discussion.
a. Ms. Robin Forrest, Highly Capable Program Coordinator, gave a recap of the 2016-2017 Highly Capable Program. Discussion followed.
b. Mr. John Lorentzen, High School and Middle School Choir Director, gave an overview of the Performing and Visual Arts program, including changes in academic eligibility for participating in the Operetta. Discussion followed.
c. Ms. Heidi Hietpas, Executive Director of Finance and Operations, shared with the board an April Finance Summary; April Comparative General Fund and April Budget Status Reports. Discussion followed.
d. Ms. Heidi Hietpas, Executive Director of Finance and Operations, informed the board that the district is currently participating in an audit of the Alternative Learning Experience program – Olympic Peninsula Academy. Discussion followed.
e. Superintendent Gary Neal gave an overview of his progress on his goals for the 2016-2017 school year, including work on implementing a STEM Initiative; initial steps toward creating a 6-year Strategic Plan; and passing a measure to begin work updating the district’s facilities. Dr. David Engle, former Superintendent of Port Townsend School District and the Strategic Plan facilitator, will be at the June 5 Regular Board Meeting to share highlights of the work that has been done so far on the District Strategic Plan. Dr. Luke Robins, President of Peninsula College, will be at the June 19 Regular Board Meeting to share information about Guided Pathways and MetaMajors, directly pertaining to the district’s STEM Initiative.
Vice-President Henrikson drew Board Members’ attention to:
a. Upcoming Board Meetings, etc.
o Saturday, May 20 – WSSDA Regional Meeting in Bremerton from 10am-1pm
o May 25 – Strategic Planning Meeting from 8:15am to 11:45am at Sequim Transit Center
o June 5 – 5:30pm Reception for Retiring Administrative Assistant Marilyn Walsh with Regular Board Meeting @ 6pm. Student Board Representative Kaylee Gumm’s last board meeting!
o June 8 – Strategic Planning Meeting from 8:15am to 11:45am at Sequim Transit Center
o June 19 – Regular Board Meeting @ 6pm.
o June 22 – Strategic Planning Meeting from 8:15am to 11:45am at Sequim Transit Center
o July 17 – Regular Board Meeting @ 6pm
b. Graduation Activities
o May 31 – Scholarship Awards Night
o June 4 – Baccalaureate @ Dungeness Community Church
o June 9 – 9am Practice
o June 9 – 6pm Sequim High School Graduation (Reserved seating for the board)
o June 12 – Olympic Peninsula Academy Graduation from 1-3pm in the Auditorium
o June 14 – Sequim Middle School 8th Grade Moving On Ceremony @ 6pm in the Middle School Gym
o June 15 – Greywolf Elementary 5th Grade Moving On Ceremony @ 1:30pm in the Greywolf Elementary gym
o June 16 – Helen Haller Elementary 5th Grade Moving On Ceremony @ 9am in the Community School Gym
c. Other calendar items of interest:
o May 15-19 ~ School Board Candidate Filing Week!
o May 15-26 ~ Junior Student Board Representative Candidate Filing Period!
o May 18 through 20 – Sequim High School Operetta (Seven Brides for Seven Brothers)
o May 29 – Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL, District Office Closed!
o June 2-3 ~ Olympic Peninsula Academy Play Performance @ 7pm in the auditorium
o June 6 – Middle School Choir Concert @ 7pm in the cafeteria
o June 6 -- High School Band Concert @ 7pm in the auditorium
o June 7 – High School Choir Concert @ 7pm in the auditorium
o June 9 – Sequim High School Graduation!
o June 12 – Olympic Peninsula Academy Graduation and Awards Ceremony @ 1pm in the auditorium
o June 16 – Last Day of School (Early Dismissal)
d. Other items of interest
o Enrollment data for May, 2017
o Free and Reduced Lunch percentages for May, 2017
Meeting Exit Slips were distributed.
At 7:34pm Director Stoffer moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting. Director Kuh seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.