Sequim School District No. 323
“Inspire and Achieve“
503 North Sequim Avenue, Sequim, WA 98382
Telephone: (360) 582-3260, FAX: (360) 683-6303,
Monday, January 16, 2017 Regular Board meeting CHANGED to Tuesday, January 17 due to the Martin Luther King Holiday
6:00pm Regular Board Meeting
President Henrikson called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:00pm with all Directors and Student Board Representatives present except Director Short, who was excused. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.
PRESENT – A sign in sheet was provided and those who wished to sign in are listed below:
Robin Henrikson, President Jack Walsh
Beverly Horan, Vice-President Dave Mattingley
James Stoffer, Director Ken Stringer
Michael Howe, Director Bobbie Merrill
Kaylee Gumm, Student Board Representative Tom Merrill
Téa Gauthun, Student Board Representative Virginia O’Neil
Heidi Hietpas, Finance and Operations Erin Hawkins
Paul Wieneke, Human Resources Trayce Norman
Molly McAleer
Gary Neal, Superintendent Candi Hayden, Citizens for Sequim Schools
Marilyn Walsh, Secretary Laura Fierro, Sequim High School
Andrew Juntilla, Sequim High School
Patsene Dashiell, District Office
Marcia Garrett, Sequim Middle School
Director Stoffer moved to approve the minutes from the January 3, 2017 Regular Board Meeting as presented. Vice-President Horan seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
Superintendent Neal asked that an additional Letter of Resignation be added to the Consent Agenda, under Personnel. Director Stoffer moved to approve the agenda as amended. Director Howe seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
- Student Board Representative Téa Gauthun reported that at Helen Haller Elementary the teachers celebrated Martin Luther King JR Day with their students last week, and MAP testing will begin this week. Several before and after school clubs have started in the last few weeks including a 1st grade Debate Club, a Spelling Bee Club, Chess Club, a Coding Club and a Literacy Club. 3rd grade classes are working on essays for the Irrigation Festival and all students are eligible to enter a design for the Irrigation Festival Button contest. This will be Mrs. Buchillo's last Board Meeting report she will be retiring, with her last day being January 27th. She's handing her job off to Crystal Smith. Congratulations to the both of them! Mrs. Hudson, principal at Greywolf Elementary, wanted to send her appreciation to the school board, their students and staff. Greywolf Elementary is having a movie night on January19th, beginning at 6pm. Discussion followed.
- Student Board Representative Kaylee Gumm reported that at Sequim Middle School students are working hard to improve their grades as it gets closer to the end of the semester. Sequim Middle School is hosting a "Minute to Win It" themed assembly on the last day of the semester as well. Middle School boys basketball teams are nearing the end of their season where nearly 50 students turned out. A special thanks goes out to coaches Taylor Thorson, Todd Beuke and Scott Sharpe for all their time and effort. Sequim Middle School is sending a group of teachers and administrators to a “Kids at Hope” training jointly hosted by the WEA & AWSP later this week. Scholarship notebooks were due today at Sequim High School, so that comes as a big relief for seniors. Winter ball is this Saturday at 8pm in the high school cafeteria, with a carnival theme. The first semester ends on January 27th, so students and teachers are working hard to get grades up and work turned in. Discussion followed.
PUBLIC COMMENTS - The Board believes that public comments are a very important connection between our community and the Board. This time is set aside for receiving both written and oral communication.
President Henrikson asked if there was any public comment regarding agenda items. Hearing none, President asked if there was any public comment regarding general items.
- Mr. Ken Stringer spoke about an incident that happened at the high school and offered suggestions for how the board should respond.
- Mr. Dave Mattingley suggested that if a group was looking for a cause, the opioid epidemic in our community is an emergent, relevant issue.
- Mr. Tom Merrill suggested that the board investigate the incident that occurred at the high school and report on what the district is doing about it.
- Mr. Andrew Juntilla, Sequim High School ASB President offered to enlist fellow students to help pass the levy.
- Ms. Virginia O’Neil urged the board to bring in a speaker to talk to students and parents about hate speech.
- Ms. Bobbie Merrill asked what the board plans to do to follow up on the incident at the high school.
Superintendent Neal responded that we value the concerns from the community and that the district, from kindergarten on, is continually working on eradicating Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying in the school environment. There are behavioral expectations in place for both students and staff and protocols for the reporting of any incidents. We still have work to do.
- School Board members were presented with flowers, cards, posters and other tokens of thanks and recognition from district students and staff, thanking them for the important work they do. Discussion followed.
- Superintendent Neal presented Certificates of Proficiency from the Washington State School Directors Association to Robin Henrikson and James Stoffer for professional development taken during the 2016 WSSDA Annual Conference. Discussion followed.
- President Henrikson thanked Mr. Juntilla for his comments and that we would follow up on his offer for students to help with the levy.
- Director Howe spoke of his personal frustration that the board was not informed about the incident at the high school until after winter break. The board is in a position to take a leadership role in prohibiting Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying. Mr. Howe spent several days in Olympia speaking with various legislators and was pleased that every conversation seems to be about education.
- Director Stoffer reported that 65th Legislative Session opened on January 9th. At the final meeting of the Education Funding Task Force a draft plan was not finalized. Basically, they agreed to return to their respective caucus and seek a solution for the full body. Director Stoffer attended the Opening Ceremonies and had a quick meet / greet with our Legislators to thank them for their work. Friday was the weekly Washington State School Directors Association Legislative Representative webinar, covering the week’s events. Discussion was held on HB 1059 (to delay reduction in the levy lid). The bill passed out of committee to the Rules committee for the Full House and is expected to be approved. There is a Senate version, which starts its committee status this week. Senator VanDeWege is fully aware of the importance and impact and is strongly supportive of the need to delay the reduction. Director Stoffer spoke briefly to him again yesterday; when he attended the Education Rally. There are six education type bills in play this week, from graduation requirements, to voting rights. Details are provided on the weekly WSSDA 2017 LEG Update, on the Website. Director Stoffer can also provide copies, if requested, and the the webinar is available for viewing on the WSSDA Page. A good brief – 2017 Prioritized To-Do List for Education Funding wth a 3 item checklist of talking points: 1. Do no Harm; 2. Transition carefully from reliance on local funding; fund basic education then gradually reduce the local levy authority; and 3. Update and Use the Prototypical School Funding Model. The new State Superintendent Reykdal dismissed OSPI Involvement in the Dorn v. State Lawsuit. The document, known as the State’s Consolidated Plan, will be submitted on September 18, 2017. Delaying is a concern with budget planning and curriculum roll out. The WSSDA Board is addressing those concerns with OSPI. There is a Board Meeting this next week to format a response and recommendations. Input is welcome. The Washington State School Directors Association Legislative Conference is February 12-13. Director Stoffer helped with Sequim Middle School’s Martin Luther King Walk on Washington with on Friday. On Monday Director Stoffer was in Olympia for the Education Funding Rally. Our 24th Legislative District was well represented with folks from all of the North Olympic School Districts. He attended the House Education Committee Work Session; which was basically bringing the new members up to date on the process. Two of our Sequim Students and Superintendent Neal received positive feedback from levy presentations out in the community. Folks are supportive and appreciative; thank you. Regarding the racial incident at the high school – we have a policy; and we have procedures which protect the rights of all our students. He expressed confidence that the Administers are following that policy. Yes, incidents of this nature are of great concern and conversations are always important. Director Stoffer trusts that is occurring in our schools.
- Vice-President Horan reiterated that the board welcomes all public comments and that good questions were raised. The district is not taking the incident lightly and it will be addressed.
- President Henrikson finalized plans for a board work session at the next meeting date on February 21. The work session will start at 4:30pm. If that will not work for anyone, please let Robin know and it will be moved to after the meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA – REQUEST BOARD APPROVAL: Any item may be moved to New Business with a motion from any Board member.
a. General Fund Vouchers No. 187476 thru No. 187567 in the total amount of $191,328.27.
b. ASB Fund Vouchers No. 10724 thru No. 10744 in the total amount of $37,033.44.
c. Capital Projects Vouchers No. 2599 thru No. 2599 in the total amount of $1,946.00.
d. Personnel - Employment with the District will be conditional upon the district’s receipt of a criminal conviction history record that is clear of any convictions, adjudications, protective orders, final decisions, or criminal charges in accordance with Washington State law and conditional upon receipt of a sexual Misconduct Disclosure Form from prior Washington State employer(s), where employment was in a school setting, indicating that no sexual, verbal or physical misconduct materials were found in the records of such employer(s) pursuant to RCW 28A.400 and WAC 180-87-080.
1. Offer Classified Helen Haller Office Coordinator position to Crystal Smith, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective December 5, 2016 as presented.
2. Accept Leave of Absence Request from Michelle Mahitka, Sequim Options teacher, from approximately February, 2017 through April, 2017 as presented.
3. Offer Classified 4 hour High School Health Paraeducator position to Cherie Myers, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective January 3, 2017 as presented.
4. Offer Classified Sequim Middle School Paraeducator position to Candyce Seelye, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective January 11, 2017 as presented.
5. Offer Classified Helen Haller Elementary Assistant Secretary position to Kimberly Bushy, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective January 23, 2017 as presented.
6. Offer Classified Greywolf Paraeducator position to Ashlee Bourns, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective January 30, 2017 as presented.
7. Offer Classified Sequim Middle School Paraeducator position to Bianca Cooper, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective January 9, 2017 as presented.
8. Accept Letter of Resignation from Steven Boots, Sequim Middle School History teacher, effective February 3, 2017 for the purpose of Retirement.
e. Approve Contract for Services between Sequim School District #323 and Family Healing Center Corporation, to provide services to Helen Haller’s Title 1 Parent Program, not to exceed a total of 12 Sessions through 04/12/2017, as presented.
f. Payroll for December, 2016 in the total amount of $2,123,602.16.
Director Stoffer moved to approve the Consent Agenda, items ‘a’ thru ‘f’ as presented. Vice-President Horan seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
a. Vice-President Horan moved to Approve and Adopt at Second Reading, Policy #1400 – Meetings, Public Notice, Quorum, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business, and Public Comment. Director Howe seconded. The only change is to the regular scheduled meeting time, from 6:30pm to 6:00pm. The current policy includes the statement, “…or at other times and places as determined by the presiding officer or by majority vote of the board.” Classified Essential. Vote taken; motion carried.
b. Director Stoffer moved to Approve and Adopt at Second Reading, Policy #3246 – Restraint, Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force. Vice-President Horan seconded. OSPI has issued newly revised regulations on Chapter 392-172A, WAC pursuant to HB 1240 which passed in the 2015 legislative session. HB 1240 impacted use of restraint and isolation for ALL students, not just those with disabilities. That’s why this update to Policy/Procedure 3246, Use of Restraint, Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force needs approval, even though Sequim School District does not employ the use of Restraint or Isolation. Classified Essential. Vote taken; motion carried.
c. Director Stoffer moved to Approve at First Reading, Policy #3115 – Homeless Students: Enrollment Rights and Services. Vice-President Horan seconded. Discussion followed. The law now requires middle and high school principals who have identified more than ten unaccompanied youth, to establish a point of contact for homeless youth. Additionally, amendments were made to the McKinney-Vento Act and Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which took effect on October 1, 2016. Classified Essential. Vote taken; motion carried.
d. Vice-President Horan moved to Approve at First Reading, Policy #3140 – Release of Resident Students. Director Stoffer seconded. The policy has been revised to include an additional justification for release pursuant to statute. Classified Essential. Vote taken; motion carried.
a. Paul Wieneke, Executive Director of Human Resources, introduced Policy #5240 – Evaluation of Staff. Discussion followed. The policy has been updated to remove procedural implementation language. The procedure has been deleted entirely to avoid confusion with collective bargaining agreements, which typically address evaluations. Classified Essential.
a. Heidi Hietpas, Executive Director of Business and Finance presented Budget Status Reports for December, 2016. Discussion followed.
b. Superintendent Gary Neal reviewed the process the district follows in the event of inclement weather impacting school start times and/or snow routes for school busses. Discussion followed.
c. Superintendent Gary Neal reported that the district continues to move forward with new STEM classes being offered at the High School next Fall through Project Lead the Way. Discussion followed.
Superintendent Neal has been attending meetings of the North Olympic Legislative Alliance, facilitated by Peninsula College President Luke Robbins and focusing on economic development with education partnerships as key.
President Henrikson drew board member’s attention to:
a. PDC Filing for Board members is open online. Due April 15th
b. Upcoming Board Meetings, etc.
o January 19 -- Levy Public Forum @ 4:30pm in the Sequim High School library
o January 25 -- All District Family Reading Night @ 5:30pm-7:30pm @ Sequim Middle School campus
o January 31 – Levy Public Forum co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Clallam County – 6:30pm-7:30pm @ Sequim Transit Center – 190 West Cedar Street.
o Monday, February 6 – 6pm Regular Board Meeting
o February 12-13 – 2017 Legislative Conference at South Puget Sound Community College
o February 14, 2017 – EP&O and Capital Projects Levy Election
o Monday, February 20 – Regular Board Meeting Moved to February 21 due to Holiday
o Tuesday, February 21 – 6pm Regular Board Meeting
c. Enrollment Report for January 2017
d. Free & Reduced Lunch percentages for January 2017.
Exit slips were distributed to board members.
At 7:11pm President Henrikson called for a short break, with an Executive Session to immediately follow.
It will be necessary at this time to recess to an Executive Session as per RCW 42.30.110(g) for approximately 2 hours, in order to discuss the performance of a public employee, with no action to be taken.
President Henrikson opened the Executive Session, in Superintendent Neal’s office, at 7:25pm with Superintendent Neal and all Board Directors present, with the exception of Director Short, who was excused.
At 9:25pm Vice-President Horan check the board room in case anyone was waiting. Finding no one, she returned to Superintendent Neal’s office.
At 10:40pm Director Howe moved to Adjourn the Executive Session and return to Regular Session. Director Stoffer seconded. Vote taken, motion carried.
At 10:41pm Director Howe moved to Adjourn the Regular Session. Director Stoffer seconded. Vote taken, motion carried.