Sequim School District No. 323
“Inspire and Achieve“
503 North Sequim Avenue, Sequim, WA 98382
Telephone: (360) 582-3260, FAX: (360) 683-6303,
Monday, December 5, 2016 ~ 6:30 PM Regular Board Meeting
Vice-President Horan called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:30pm with all Board Members and Student Board Representatives present, noting the excused absence of President Henrikson. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted, led by Student Board Representative Téa Gauthun.
PRESENT – A Sign-in sheet was provided and those who wished to sign in are listed below:
Beverly Horan, Vice-President Jack Walsh
James Stoffer, Director Tom Kelly
Heather Short, Director Trish Gaine
Michael Howe, Director Paul Wieneke,
Téa Gauthun, Student Board Representative Patsene Dashiell
Kaylee Gumm, Student Board Representative Brian Kuh
Director Short moved to approve the minutes from the November 21, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, as presented. Director Stoffer seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
Vice-President Horan asked for nominations for Board President. Director Stoffer nominated Robin Henrikson. Director Short seconded. President Henrikson had indicated previously that she would accept the position of Board President for another year.
Vice-President Horan asked if there were any other nominations for Board President. Hearing none, Vice-President Horan asked once more for any nominations for President. Hearing none, a roll call vote was taken. Director Howe voted Yes for Robin Henrikson for Board President. Director Short voted Yes for Robin Henrikson for Board President. Director Stoffer voted Yes for Robin Henrikson for Board President. Vice-President Horan voted Yes for Robin Henrikson for Board President
Vice-President Horan asked for nominations for Board Vice-President. Director Stoffer nominated Beverly Horan. Director Short seconded. Vice-President Horan indicated that she would accept the position of Board President for another year.
Vice-President Horan asked if there were any other nominations for Board Vice-President. Hearing none, Vice-President Horan asked once more for any nominations for Vice-President. Hearing none, a roll call vote was taken. Director Howe voted Yes for Beverly Horan for Board Vice-President. Director Short voted Yes for Beverly Horan for Board Vice-President. Director Stoffer voted Yes for Beverly Horan for Board Vice-President. Beverly Horan voted Yes for Beverly Horan for Board Vice-President.
Director Short moved to approve the agenda as printed. Director Stoffer seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
- At Sequim Middle School students and staff enjoyed a Veteran’s Day assembly conducted by their own Ned Floeter, retired Airforce officer, and middle school language arts/history teacher. He was in full uniform and brought in his purple heart for students to see. Sequim Middle School students also saw two “spirit days” – pajama day and 80’s day, with lots of neon and big hair. Olympic Peninsula Academy is gearing up for their Winter Festival to be held this Friday, December 9th. They are also gearing up for their “Hour of Code” on that day as well. Students will be signing up for specific hours during the festival and will be able to participate in arts and crafts activities, a potluck luncheon, and coding. At Greywolf Elementary, they are looking forward to a busy week of snow (they hope) and their celebration dinner!!! Other than that, they are busy keeping routines normal for their kiddos!
- Student Board Representative Kaylee Gumm reported that there is a Sequim Middle School Band Concert on December 7 @ 7pm and a Sequim Middle School Choir Concert on December 13 at 7pm. On December 16th the band and choir will perform a Holiday Concert together. At Sequim High School the senior class play opens this Friday and has showings on the 10th, 16th and 17th. Winter sports are underway with their first games and the ASB is hard at work planning the annual Winter Wishes assembly which will be on the 16th.
PUBLIC COMMENTS - The Board believes that public comments are a very important connection between our community and the Board. This time is set aside for receiving both written and oral communication.
Vice-President Horan asked for any Public Comment regarding Agenda items. Hearing none, Vice-President Horan asked for any Public Comment regarding general items.
- Mr. Brian Kuh thanked Director Howe, who is stepping down from the Citizens for Sequim School board, for his service. He also thanked Director Short and Superintendent Neal, who are continuing to serve on the Citizens for Sequim Schools board, for their support, and thanked Patsene Dashiell and Heidi Hietpas for providing information about the E P & O and Capital Projects levies. Mr. Kuh welcomed new Human Resources Director, Mr. Paul Winieke, to the district.
- Director Stoffer was an active participant in Helen Haller Elementary’s recent Turkey Trot and Book Fair. The Turkey Trot raised closed to $16K for Fitbit type monitors for the PE Classes; a Summer Reading Program; and some gift certificates that students used to shop with during the Book Fair. Under Legislative Business, Director Stoffer sent the 2017 Legislative Positions & Priorities to the staff of our 24th Legislative District, as part of the primality work for the Legislative Conference. On December 13 there will be a work Session with the City Council with our 24th District Legislators. An informative Fact Sheet from the WSSDA Trust Lands Task Force will be posted in OneNote. OSPI has extended the public comment period on the state’s draft plan to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). As a result, WSSDA extended the WSSDA survey that allows SB Directors to provide input. The survey is extended until December 23. There are four documents available on the WSSDA Conference Site and their Main web page, which are quite helpful in understanding ESSA and completing the survey. Director Stoffer will be out of town December 14th-22nd to attend his daughter’s graduation from Boise State University, with Honors!
CONSENT AGENDA – REQUEST BOARD APPROVAL (REF. POLICY 1420): Any item may be moved to New Business with a motion from any Board member.
a. General Fund Vouchers No. 187231 thru No. 187294 in the total amount of $151,496.55.
b. ASB Fund Vouchers No. 10681 thru No. 10705 in the total amount of $20,214.97.
c. Capital Project Fund Vouchers No. 2598 thru No. 2598 in the total amount of $7,172.23.
d. November Payroll in the total amount of $2,160,875.96.
e. Personnel – Employment with the District will be conditional upon the district’s receipt of a criminal conviction history record that is clear of any convictions, adjudications, protective orders, final decisions, or criminal charges in accordance with Washington State law and conditional upon receipt of a sexual Misconduct Disclosure Form from prior Washington State employer(s), where employment was in a school setting, indicating that no sexual, verbal or physical misconduct materials were found in the records of such employer(s) pursuant to RCW 28A.400and WAC 180-87-080.
1) Accept Letter of Resignation from Kathryn Schaller, Sequim Middle School Special Education Paraeducator, effective December 5, 2016 as presented.
2) Approve Additional FTE for Doug Hastings, Greywolf Elementary Physical Education teacher, from March 16, 2017 thru June 15, 2017, due to extra- large classes, as presented.
3) Approve Additional FTE for Carla Morton, Greywolf Elementary Science teacher, from November 30, 2016 thru March 15, 2017, due to extra-large classes, as presented.
4) Offer Certificated High School Social-Emotional Learning teacher position to Katie Ward, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective November 28, 2016 as presented.
5) Accept Letter of Resignation from Sequim Middle School Reading Support teacher, effective November 25, 2016, due to a change of teaching assignment.
6) Offer certificated Greywolf Elementary Music teaching position to Vickie Helwick, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective November 28, 2016 as presented.
f. Declare as surplus Kubota tractor Model L260, Serial Number #18615, condition Scrap, as presented.
g. Approve Overnight travel request for the High School Boys Basketball team to travel to Seattle for a basketball tournament on December 28-19, 2016 as presented.
Director Short moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items ‘a’ thru ‘g’ as presented. Director Stoffer seconded. Discussion followed. Vote taken; motion carried.
a. Director Stoffer moved to approve at First Reading Policy #2140 – Guidance and Counseling. Director Short seconded. This policy is revised to reflect the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model of Counseling core principles. The suicide portion of this policy has been incorporated into its own policy and procedure. These changes have been vetted by our school counselors and school psychologists and our school nurse, who recommend approval. Classified Discretionary. Vote taken; motion carried.
b. Director Short moved to approve at First Reading Policy #3420 – Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response. Director Stoffer seconded. ESB 5104, which went into effect July 28, 2013, gives districts the ability to better prepare for student anaphylaxis events. The intent of the new law is to ensure that all students have greater access to the life-saving drug during an anaphylactic attack. It allows designated, trained school personnel to administer epinephrine from the school supply to students previously diagnosed with life-threatening allergies. Classified Essential. Vote taken; motion carried.
a. Director Short moved to approve at First Reading Policy #1400 – Meetings, Public Notice, Quorum, Meeting Conduct and Order of Business, and Public Comment. Director Stoffer seconded. Discussion followed. The only change is to the regular scheduled meeting time, from 6:30pm to 6:00pm. The current policy includes the statement, “…or at other times and places as determined by the presiding officer or by majority vote of the board.” Classified Essential. Vote taken; motion carried.
b. Policy #3246 – Restraint, Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force was introduced. OSPI has issued newly revised regulations on Chapter 392-172A, WAC pursuant to HB 1240 which passed in the 2015 legislative session. HB 1240 impacted use of restraint and isolation for ALL students, not just those with disabilities. That’s why this update to Policy/Procedure 3246, Use of Restraint, Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force needs approval, even though Sequim School District does not employ the use of Restraint or Isolation. Matt Duchow, from Learning Support Services, explained that district staff are trained in Right Response, and do not use restraint, isolation or force. Classified Essential.
c. Policy #5281 – Disciplinary Action and Discharge was introduced by Paul Wieneke, Executive Director of Human Resources. The policy has been updated to clarify: 1) that the law does not require discipline in every situation; 2) that sufficient cause is necessary for disciplinary action or discharge; and 3) that reports of child abuse or neglect must be reported to CPS, law enforcement, OSPI and parents as required by law. The procedure has been deleted because it is an unnecessary reiteration of the policy, RCWs and applicable collective bargaining agreements. Classified Discretionary.
d. Heidi Hietpas, Executive Director of Finance and Operations, informed the board of the process for appointing the Pro-Con Statement Committees who provide statements to be included in the Voter's Pamphlet, both for and against the E P & O Levy and the Capital Projects Levy. Brian Kuh, Brandino Gibson and Candi Hayden indicated an interest in providing the “pro” statement. To date, nobody indicated an interest in providing the “con” statement, but if anyone were to provide a statement, it would be accepted up to the printing deadline for the Voter’s Pamphlet. Director Stoffer moved to approve the appointment of the Pro-Con Statement Committees as presented. Director Short seconded. Discussion followed. Vote taken; motion carried.
a. Mr. Randy Hill, Olympic Peninsula Academy Principal and Sequim High School Assistant Principal presented the Olympic Peninsula Academy and Sequim Options School Improvement Plans. Discussion followed.
b. Shawn Langston, Sequim High School Principal, presented the Sequim High School Improvement Plan. Discussion followed.
c. Patsene Dashiell, Communications Director, gave an update on the Sequim School district’s participation in the 2016 United Way Campaign. Discussion followed.
d. Dr. Ann Renker, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, presented an update on teacher evaluation and 2016-2017 Professional Development –
e. Superintendent Gary Neal commented that the district hopes to make available to all students pull-out model Mr. Hill talked about in his School Improvement Plan. By implementing Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports, we are working on reaching those middle school and high school students who previously dropped out before becoming eligible for Sequim Options School. Discussion followed.
Superintendent Neal announced that the district is moving forward with its STEM initiative and will offer two classes is bio-med and two classes in engineering in the Fall, beginning with ninth graders. Discussion followed.
Jeff Gossage, Director of Transportation, is continuing to monitor the forecast as snow and ice impact district operations.
The Board of Directors has until February 1 to inform the Superintendent whether they plan to offer an extension of Superintendent Neal’s contract. A Superintendent evaluation template has been posted in OneNote to enable administrators and board directors to comment and input their observations of ways the superintendent is or is not meeting expectations. An Executive Session may be scheduled in January to review the results of the evaluation. Discussion followed.
Superintendent Neal is exploring a model called “Future Ready” for our upcoming Strategic Plan work. Discussion followed.
Vice-President Horan requested that Directors place proposed agenda items for an upcoming Board Workshop in OneNote. School Improvement Plans will be approved at the January 3 meeting.
Vice-President Horan drew Board Members’ attention to:
a. Upcoming Board Meetings, etc.
- December 7 – 5:30pm Celebratory Dinner for Greywolf Elementary’s Distinguished School Status in High School cafeteria
- Tuesday, January 3 – 6pm (new time) Regular Board Meeting changed from Monday, January 2 due to Holiday
- Tuesday, January 17 – 6pm Regular Board Meeting changed from Monday, January 16 due to Holiday
- February 12 & 13 – Legislative Conference in Olympia
b. Holiday Concerts and Special Events
- Wednesday, December 7 ~ Middle School Band Concert @ 7pm SMS gym
- Tuesday, December 13 ~ Middle School Choir Concert @ 7pm SMS cafeteria
- Wednesday, December 14 ~ High School Choir Concert @ 7pm Auditorium
- Thursday, December 15 ~ High School Band Concert @ 7pm Auditorium
c. District Office Winter Break Schedule
- Monday, December 19 thru Thursday, December 22 – District Office OPEN from 8:30am to 3:00pm
- Friday, December 23 thru Monday, December 26 – District Office CLOSED
- Tuesday, December 27 thru Thursday, December 29 – District Office OPEN from 8:30am to 3:00pm
- Friday, December 30 thru Monday, January 2 –District Office CLOSED
- Tuesday, January 3, 2017 ~ Back to School!
d. Enrollment for the month of December, 2016
e. Free & Reduced Lunch percentages for December 2016
At 8:21pm Director Stoffer moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting. Director Short seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
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