Sequim School District No. 323
“Inspire and Achieve“
503 North Sequim Avenue, Sequim, WA 98382
Telephone: (360) 582-3260, FAX: (360) 683-6303,
November 7, 2016 – 6:30 PM Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
President Henrikson called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:00pm with all Board Members and Student Board Representatives present, with the exception of Director Short, who was excused. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.
PRESENT – a Sign-In Sheet was provided and those who wished to sign in are listed below:
Robin Henrikson, President Greg Madsen
Bev Horan, Vice-President Jack Walsh
James Stoffer, Director Steve Bearman
Michael Howe, Director Pam Landoni, District Office
Ann Renker, Assistant Superintendent Leah Bauman, Greywolf
Heidi Hietpas, Finance and Operations Aaron Reno, Greywolf
Paul Wieneke, Human Resources Lauren Powell, Greywolf
Donna Hudson, Greywolf
Gary Neal, Superintendent Tom Kelly
Marilyn Walsh, Admin Assistant Mike McAleer
Mike Dashiell, Sequim Gazette
Patsene Dashiell, District Office
Eric Danielson, Helen Haller Elementary
George & Marcella Cluff, Sequim Seniors for Sequim Youth
Karla Richardson, Citizen
Michelle Rhodes, Citizens for Sequim Schools
Valorie Knieper, District Office
Director Stoffer moved to approve the minutes from the October 17, 2016 Regular Board Meeting as presented. Vice-President Horan seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
Vice-President Horan moved to approve the agenda as printed. Director Stoffer seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
- Student Board Representative Téa Gauthun reported that Grey Wolf Elementary is holding another Parent Engagement Night from 6:30-7:30pm on November 8. Is This month’s topic for parent/teacher conferencing. They hope to explain much of the data that teachers will cover during conferences. Their belief is that parents can be better advocates for their kids when they have scaffolding for the materials that will be discussed in conferences. There is a PTA meeting on November 9 from 3:45-5pm and a Veteran’s Day Assembly beginning at 1:30pm on November 10th, with their school wide Birthday Celebration after the assembly. Krista Chatters, Greywolf Elementary’s Literacy Coach and State ELA Fellow, have been training teacher teams on the CKLA-ARG. This is a remedial supplement to our language curriculum. With it, the staff can teach specific skills to fill gaps in students’ learning.
- Student Board Representative Kaylee Gumm reported that at Sequim Middle School, the Professional Development focus today was an extension of the film Paper Tigers, which was previously viewed by all staff. Staff enjoyed the opportunity to make the connection between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and becoming a trauma informed school. #gettingbettereveryday. Fall sports have come to end and Sequim Middle School wishes to thank coaches Jeff Stroh, Autumn St. George, Casey Lewis, Shannon Paselk, Steve Boots, and Caleb Gentry for all their time and dedication with the students. #youmakeadifference. Sequim Middle School students were totally intrigued by the Cyber-Safety & Security assembly last week. They want to extend their appreciation to the Prevention Works organization for their efforts and support of this program. #safetyisnumber1. At Sequim High School there was a wonderful, well-put-together Veterans assembly, where community members were invited to come. Last week Sequim High School also had an assembly on cyber-bullying and internet safety. It was a great assembly and a good reminder for all of the students. During the weekend of Halloween several different high school clubs and organizations put together Haunted Hallways where kids from the community can come trick or treat and play games in the high school. Fall sports are coming to a close. Congrats to the volleyball girls who will be heading off to state…we wish them good luck.
PUBLIC COMMENTS - The Board believes that public comments are a very important connection between our community and the Board. This time is set aside for receiving both written and oral communication. President Henrikson first asked for Comments Regarding Agenda items:
- Mr. Brian Kuh, parent and President of Citizens for Sequim School, offered support for the renewal of the E P & O levy and the Capital Projects levy which will be on the February ballot.
President Henrikson next asked for Comments Regarding General Items:
- Mr. Greg Madson advocated for a dedicated science building for Middle School and High School and a common planning room for staff, so classrooms could be utilized each class period during the day.
- Mr. Robert Streett thanked the district for sponsoring the Cyber-Security presentation.
- Director Stoffer attended the WSSDA Region 4 Meeting, held on October 29th in Neah Bay. 9 of the 15 School Districts were represented. Board Members were given a packet of handouts from that meeting which included updates on ESSA from State Board of Education; there will be a session at the WSSDA Annual Conference. The final legislative proposals, which are pretty much in alignment with last year, should be posted within this next week, and copies will be available at the Annual Conference. Also at the Region 4 Meeting, the Makah Tribal Chair spoke of the community responsibilities to its youth and how they were able to improve graduation rates to 100%; mostly through the involvement of the community deciding that Education was their #1 priority. Director Stoffer reminded fellow board members that the WSSDA Survey is out and to please take a few moments to complete. Director Stoffer also attended meetings with the Bureau of Natural Resources, the Trust Lands Action Committee, District 24 Legislators, & County Commissioners. He participated in a Webinar from OSPI on the Duties & Responsibilities of OSPI. He asked about the possibility of another Healthy Student, Healthy School Grant this year. (Yes; always a possibility; dependent on how McCleary Funding works out); and their thoughts on Trust Land revenue for Schools. (there are 6 options at the Bureau of Natural Resources is looking at, followed by a couple of the WSSDA initiatives, such as overturning Forest Revenue Apportionments Withholding. A survey came in from the Washington Business Association regarding CTE Funding WSSDA Directors in our region for input. Some highlights included being invited by our Swim Team to attend their Home Pool Kickoff Race; the PA/Sequim Football Game where Veterans were recognized; the HS Choir Fall Concert; the Boys in the Boat Author Talk; the Social Media seminar; and then the Veterans Assembly at the High School.
- President Henrikson reminded the board of the Planning Workshop to be held at 5:30pm immediately prior to the November 21, 2016 Regular Board Meeting. She requested that anyone with agenda items please send them to her.
CONSENT AGENDA – REQUEST BOARD APPROVAL: Any item may be moved to New Business with a motion from any Board member.
a. General Fund Vouchers No. 187004 thru No. 187130 in the total amount of $348,286.00.
b. ASB Fund Vouchers No. 10648 thru No. 10671 in the total amount of $27,690.23.
c. Personnel - Employment with the District will be conditional upon the district’s receipt of a criminal conviction history record that is clear of any convictions, adjudications, protective orders, final decisions, or criminal charges in accordance with Washington State law and conditional upon receipt of a sexual Misconduct Disclosure Form from prior Washington State employer(s), where employment was in a school setting, indicating that no sexual, verbal or physical misconduct materials were found in the records of such employer(s) pursuant to RCW 28A.400 and WAC 180-87-080.
1) Accept Letter of Resignation from Frank Shimek, Bus Driver, effective November 17, 2016 as presented.
2) Offer Classified Night Shift Custodian position to Roger Ulm, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective October 24, 2016 as presented.
3) Offer Certificated Director of Human Resources position to Paul Wieneke, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective November 8, 2016 as presented.
4) Offer Classified Career and Technical Education (CTE) Paraeducator position to Taylor Sebring, for the 2016-2017 school year, as presented.
d. Approve the District’s Highly Capable Program plan for 2016-2017 as presented.
e. Contract for Services between Sequim School District #323 and Judy Price, to serve as a hearing officer, when requested by the Superintendent, in the appeal of student disciplinary actions, for the 2015-2016 school year, as presented.
f. Approve Interlocal Agreement Between Department of Enterprise Services Engineering and Architectural Services Division and Sequim School District to Design and Construct 4 (four) Classrooms using Cross Laminated Timber, on its property, as presented.
g. Approve WIAA Cooperative/Combined Approval Form for Sequim High School Divers to compete with Port Angeles High School Divers, for the 2016-2017 school year, as presented, as Sequim does not have a diving board.
h. Approve Agreement between Sequim School District and City University of Seattle to provide cooperative arrangements for student teaching/school counseling and/or field experiences, and/or practicums, and/or internships for students who do not hold valid Washington State teaching or ESA certification, effective September 30, 2016 as presented.
i. Approve Student Teaching Affiliation Agreement between Western Governors University, a Utah non-profit corporation, and Sequim School District, to provide student teaching experiences for teacher candidates enrolled in WGU’s educational programs, as presented.
Director Howe requested that Consent Agenda Item d be moved to New Business. Director Howe moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items ‘a’ thru ‘i’ with the exception of item ‘d’, as presented. Director Stoffer seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
There was none at this time.
a. Vice-President Horan moved to approve Resolution 02-2016/2017 – Capital Levy to Renovate and Expand the Central Kitchen Facility as presented. Director Stoffer seconded. Discussion followed. A roll-call vote was taken. Director Howe voted Aye. Director Stoffer voted Aye. Vice-President Horan voted Aye. President Henrikson voted Aye. The motion carried.
b. Dr. Ann Renker, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, gave an update of the Highly Capable Program. The iReady program is being implemented to help identify students who qualify. Discussion followed.
a. Representatives from the Elementary Instructional Materials Committee presented a demonstration of the various elements of the Eureka Math Curriculum, which was piloted in our elementary schools and is recommended for district-wide adoption. Discussion followed.
b. Donna Hudson, Greywolf Elementary Principal, gave an overview of school achievement at Greywolf Elementary School and presented the School Improvement Plan for the 2016-2017 school year. Discussion followed.
c. Dr. Ann Renker, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, advised the board that the Second Annual Community Needs Assessment will be opening on November 10. Links to the survey will be on our website and distributed to parents during parent conferences. Results will be shared in January. Discussion followed.
d. Superintendent Neal reported that he attended the Composite Recycling Tech Center’s Open House and was very impressed with the program and the tremendous opportunity for our students to train for high tech positions within that field. Deb Beckett is working with Superintendent Neal to implement Project Lead the Way, in order to offer dual credit opportunities for students in bio-med and technology, hopefully next school year.
The facilitators that Superintendent Neal had hoped to use to begin district strategic planning have had to decline. He has contacted a couple of other leads and hopes that the board will be able to begin that work soon.
At the last Superintendent Advisory Meeting attended by Superintendent Neal, one of the hot topics for discussion was the McCleary decision. This year’s legislature must come up with a plan for implementation beginning in September 2018.
Karen Sande, Director of Human Resources retired on November 4. Superintendent Neal introduced Mr. Paul Wieneke, the new Executive Director of Human Resources for Sequim School District.
President Henrikson drew board members’ attention to:
a. Upcoming Board Meetings, etc.
- November 16-19 – WSSDA Annual Conference in Spokane, WA
- November 21 – 5:30pm Board Goals Workshop, 6:30pm Regular School Board Meeting
- December 5 – 6:30pm Regular Board Meeting
b. November 2016 Enrollment Report
c. Other Events of Interest
President Henrikson informed board members that final travel arrangements for the WSSDA Conference would be confirmed within the next few days. President Henrikson reminded board members that there will be a Board Planning Workshop at 5:30pm, immediately prior to the next board meeting.
At 8:06pm Director Stoffer moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting. Vice-President Horan seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.