Sequim School District No. 323
“Inspire and Achieve“
503 North Sequim Avenue, Sequim, WA 98382
Telephone: (360) 582-3260, FAX: (360) 683-6303,
October 17, 2016 – 6:30 PM Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
President Robin Henrikson opened the Regular Meeting at 6:30pm with all Board Members and Student Board Members present, with the exception of Vice-President Beverly Horan, who was excused. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.
PRESENT – A Sign-in sheet was provided and those who wished to sign in are listed below:
Robin Henrikson, President Trish Gaine, Grandmother
James Stoffer, Director Laurie Campen, Sodexo
Heather Short, Director Cody Richardson, Citizen
Michael Howe, Director Karla Richardson, Citizen
Kaylee Gumm, Student Board Representative Marcella Cluff, Seniors for Sequim Schools
Téa Gauthun, Student Board Representative George Cluff, Seniors for Sequim Schools
Heidi Hietpas, Director of Finance & Operations Brian Kuh, Citizens for Sequim Schools
Trayce Norman, Sequim School District
Gary Neal, Superintendent Jodi Minker, Citizens for Sequim Schools
Marilyn Walsh, Admin Assistant Tom Kelly
Jessica Hernandez, Sequim Food Bank
Patsene Dashiell, District Office
Marcia Garrett, Sequim Middle School
Shenna Younger, Citizens for Sequim Schools
Kammah Morgan, Helen Haller PTO
Robert Streett, Citizens for Sequim Schools
Ron Richards, Self
Jack Walsh,
Michael Dashiell, Sequim Gazette
Cindy Kelly, WSSDA
Director Stoffer moved to approve the minutes from the October 3, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, as presented. Director Short seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
Director Short moved to approve the agenda as written. Director Stoffer seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
- Student Board Representative Téa Gauthun reported that Wednesday, October 19 will be a busy day at Helen Haller Elementary with Carrie Art happening, a PTO Staff appreciation lunch during the day, and a PTO McTakeover in the evening from 5-7pm. Carrie Art is a PTO sponsored art program with local artist, Carrie Rodlend, coming in to classrooms and creating amazing art with students. Art work will be displayed in the office area throughout the year. Helen Haller Elementary is also looking forward to taking part in the Great Washington Shake Out on Thursday. Greywolf Elementary is working hard to fill a 4th/5th grade split classroom. They posted the position and after 9 days had no interested persons, so they pulled Stephanie Clark, from their incredible music program to teach this class and have posted a music position. They have an applicant and hope to begin the new class as soon as the 24th of October. Mrs. Wiker sponsoring a math homework club on Wednesday and Friday mornings. Greywolf Elementary students enjoyed the Port Angeles Symphony last week. Al Harris did a great job setting up these performances. Greywolf Elementary is preparing to take part in the Earthquake drill this Thursday. They thank Mrs. Kromm, Sequim Middle School Assistant Principal for spearheading this effort. HiCap students have had their second pull-out session.
- Student Board Representative Kaylee Gumm reported that Sequim Middle School would like to give a shout out to their football team who are taking their undefeated record against Forks this week! They would also like to congratulate the students and community members who raised a record amount nearly ($12,000) in their fundraiser this year. The Harvest festival will be taking place this Friday, where there will be games, blow up toys and a dance in the gym. Sequim High School has their last home football game against Port Angeles this Friday, which will be a really big game! Prior to the game the FFA will be having a drive through dinner, beginning at 5pm. The ASB put on a great homecoming dance with a 90's theme that was really successful. This Friday some students will be going to college fair at the University of Washington. They will have the opportunity to get on a college campus and check it out and look at other schools. Discussion followed.
PUBLIC COMMENTS - The Board believes that public comments are a very important connection between our community and the Board. This time is set aside for receiving both written and oral communication. President Henrikson first asked for comments regarding agenda items.
- Mr. Brian Kuh, parent of three children and representing Citizens for Sequim Schools, encouraged the board to adopt the Resolution for the EP&O levy.
- Mr. Ron Richards, who is running for County Commissioner, wanted the Board to be aware that there is a public misconception that schools don’t need levies or bond measures if schools receive arrearage funds from the timber land trust. He encouraged the board to approve the resolution on the agenda.
President Henrikson next asked for comments regarding general items.
- Ms. Shenna Younger urged the board to participate in the McTakeover, sponsored by Helen Haller PTO on Wednesday, October 19 from 5pm to 7pm. The PTO will also be hosting a Staff Appreciation luncheon on that same day.
- Ms. Marsha Garrett, Sequim Middle School teacher, commended Principal Vince Riccobene and Vice-Principal Rhonda Kromm for their leadership and improvements in school climate. The Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and Hope Academy are making a real difference. The upcoming Harvest Festival will be at no cost to students, so all students can participate.
- Mr. Ken Stringer invited all to participate in “Conversations on Our Community” sponsored by CommunityPlus, a group of people whose mission is to generate a series of broad, inclusive conversations that lead to a shared understanding of who we are and a shared vision of how to make our community even better. The next conversation will be held at Baja Cantina on November 15th from 5-7pm. The topic of conversation will be “Where Do We Go From Here: Promoting Our Schools”.
- Director Short commended Mr. Mahitka for his work securing the Interlocal Agreement between Clallam Conservation District and the Sequim High School Agricultural Science Program for the installation of a Rainwater Collection and Storage System to demonstrate to the community how to collect and store roof runoff water for irrigation and stock watering. She is excited to be working with Mr. Mahitka regarding the possibility of developing a tech vet program. Ms. Short also thanked the McRoberts family for the donation of a piano to the district.
- Director Stoffer 04 OCT; attended a Bureau of Natural Resources Meeting on October 4. Agenda topics included a presentation on the Fiduciary Responsibilities of Trust Managers, presented by the Attorney General of Idaho, who sits on their Board of Natural Resources; a report on the Sustainable Harvest Calculations for the next several years and options the Bureau of Natural Resources considered. The Arrearage is expected to be cleared from the books by 2017. Plus the options for the BNR to consider are all favorable for Clallam County and the Jr. Taxing Districts. Is there a great sum of funding; NO! Will it take away the need for Bonds & Levies; NO. Again, monies received are based upon the trees that are harvested in a specific Tax Code area. We can expect to see a final report in Jun 2017. The WSSDA Trust Land Task Force will continue the open dialogue with the Department of Natural Resources regarding common school funding. Director Stoffer urged everyone to attend the State Commissioner of Public Lands Debate / Forum at the Port Angeles Business Association Breakfast on October 25th. Director Stoffer attended the Port Angeles School Board Meeting on Thursday, the 6th of Oct. He feels that it is beneficial to see other Boards in action; we can learn from each other. This past week Director Stoffer attended the Chamber Luncheon, with a presentation by Mr. Kurt Turner, the Branch Manager at the Sequim Y Team. There are - two big programs they are planning for next year; Student Lifeguards and a Student in Government Program; both of which includes partnering with Sequim School District. The gig highlight though was attending the Swim Match by our Sequim High School Lady Wolves Swim Team in their home pool; here at Sequim Y; the match was against Port Angeles. Tomorrow they take on Port Townsend, here. Stop by and cheer them on! Friday is the Sequim High School Homecoming Football Game and the FFA Drive Through dinner fundraiser! Last June Director Stoffer mentioned a sub-committee of the PA-Can was formed and he was asked to co-chair with Cindy Kelly from the Port Angeles School Board to discuss the possibility of looking at School Based Health Centers in our High Schools; using the model that Port Townsend District uses. Director Stoffer would be interested in meeting with Vice-President Horan to discuss some of the plans and goals of this sub-committee, as Director Horan has expressed an interest in student health care. The Leagued of Education Voters has a webinar on October 27th on the Roles and Responsibilities of the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction featuring the State Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent. Then today; 27 years ago today Director Stoffer was on Watch in the Coast Guard Operations Center for the Pacific in Alameda, CA when the Loma Prieta Earthquake occurred; the Coast Guard was just transiting to the Incident Command System (ICS) for managing interagency emergencies. State-wide entities will be participating in the Great Washington Shake using that same system.
- President Henrikson reported that Vice-President Horan was ill, but had contacted Ms. Henrikson to make it known that she is in favor of approving Resolution 01-2016-2017 Regarding the Educational Programs and Operations levy on the agenda under New Business.
- President Henrikson attended the HiCap Parent Meeting held on and is pleased with the improvements that have been made to the program. There will be a board workshop to work on Board Goals prior to the Regular Meeting on November 21. President Henrikson asked the board to be thinking about possibly changing the start time of the Regular Meetings to a time earlier than 6:30, not that there is not a workshop prior to each meeting, like there was last year. President Henrikson also asked the board to be thinking about whether they would like to see any changes to the order or the format of the board agendas. As per prior practice, the second meeting in December will be cancelled, as it occurs during Winter Break.
- Debrief slips from the last meeting withed for more information regarding the levy; perhaps adding a safety brief at the beginning of the meeting, every quarter or so, in the event of an emergency during a board meeting; and perhaps limiting the number of reports scheduled during the Reports portion of the agenda. Debrief slips commended School Nurse Sonja Bittner for her report.
CONSENT AGENDA – REQUEST BOARD APPROVAL: Any item may be moved to New Business with a motion from any Board member.
a. General Fund Vouchers No. 186836 thru No. 186881 in the total amount of $63,189.88; and No. 186882 thru No. 187003 in the total amount of $225,419.88.
b. ASB Fund Vouchers No. 10633 thru No. 10647 in the total amount of $11,480.29..
c. Personnel - Employment with the District will be conditional upon the district’s receipt of a criminal conviction history record that is clear of any convictions, adjudications, protective orders, final decisions, or criminal charges in accordance with Washington State law and conditional upon receipt of a sexual Misconduct Disclosure Form from prior Washington State employer(s), where employment was in a school setting, indicating that no sexual, verbal or physical misconduct materials were found in the records of such employer(s) pursuant to RCW 28A.400 and WAC 180-87-080.
1. Accept Letter of Resignation from Karen Sande, Director of Human Resources, effective November 4, 2016 as presented.
2. Accept Request for Leave of Absence Extension, from Isabella Morrison, Sequim Middle School Science teacher, through first semester of the 2016-2017 school year, as presented.
3. Offer Classified Bus Driver position to Richard Johnson, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective October 3, 2016 as presented.
4. Offer Classified LAP Paraeducator position to Julie McCrorie and the 2016-2017 school year, effective October 7, 2016 as presented.
d. Interlocal Agreement between Clallam Conservation District and the Sequim High School Agricultural Science Program for the installation of a Rainwater Collection and Storage System to demonstrate to the community how to collect and store roof runoff water for irrigation and stock watering, as presented.
e. Approve a 5 year WIAA Cooperative/Combine Agreement with Port Angeles School District to allow female students athletes from Sequim School High School participate in Girls' Gymnastics at Port Angeles High School, as presented.
f. Accept Cash Donation from the James and Agnes Williams Charitable Remainder Trust, in the amount of $240,000 as presented.
g. Accept Donation of a used Spinet Piano from Gary and Valerie McRoberts, as presented.
h. Approve Agreement between Boys & Girls Clubs of the Olympic Peninsula and Sequim School District for use of the gym during normal school hours for physical education classes conducted by Helen Haller Elementary School, for the 2016-2017 school year, as presented.
Director Stoffer moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items ‘a’ thru ‘h’ as presented. Director Short seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
There was none at this time.
a. Director Stoffer moved to approve Resolution 01-2016/2017 Regarding the Educational Programs & Operations Levy, as presented. Director Short seconded. Discussion followed. Heidi Hietpas, Fiscal and Operations Director, presented the financial information related to the Resolution. Vote taken; motion carried.
b. Superintendent Neal presented his proposal for a Capital Projects Levy which would demolish the old part of the Community School and remodel the base kitchen. Discussion followed.
a. Ms. Shelley Langston, Executive Director Learning Support Services, gave an overview of the Special Education services offered in the district and explained 504 Plans entail. Mr. Matt Duchow gave an overview of the Right Response program, which many teachers and paraeducators, who work with special needs children, are trained in. Discussion followed.
b. High School Choir Students, under the direction of Mr. John Lorentzen, High School Choir Director, performed two songs for the board. Mr. Lorentzen then gave an overview of the many after-School Band/Choir Experiences available to our students. Discussion followed.
c. Superintendent Gary Neal reported that seven people were interviewed for the Director of Human Resources position, following the announced retirement of Karen Sande. Discussion followed.
a. Upcoming Board Meetings, etc.
o October 29 – WSSDA Regional Fall Meeting from 10am to 1pm at Cape Flattery School District in Neah Bay
o November 7 – 6:30pm Regular School Board Meeting
o November 8 – General Election
o November 16-19 – WSSDA Annual Conference in Spokane, WA
o November 21 – 5:30pm Board Workshop Goal Setting; 6:30pm Regular Board Meeting
b. October Enrollment report
c. October Free & Reduced Percentages
d. Governor’s Proclamation October 17-21 School Bus Safety Week
Meeting Exit Slips were distributed.
At 8:00pm Director Stoffer moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting. Director Short seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.