October 3, 2016

LogoSequim School District No. 323

“Inspire and Achieve“

503 North Sequim Avenue, Sequim, WA 98382

Telephone: (360) 582-3260, FAX: (360) 683-6303, www.sequim.k12.wa.us

October 3, 2016 6:30pm Regular Board Meeting


President Henrikson called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:30pm with all School Board Directors and Student Board Representatives present. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted.

PRESENT – A sign-in sheet was provided, and those who wished to sign in are listed below:

Robin Henrikson, President Jack Walsh

Bev Horan, Vice-President Lilli Hardesty, Olympic Peninsula Academy

James Stoffer, Director Sonja Bittner, District Office

Heather Short, Director Ardis Mangano, District

Michael Howe, Director Karla Richardson, Citizen

Ann Renker, Assistant Superintendent Cody Richardson, Citizen

Robert Streett, Citizen

Gary Neal, Superintendent Shenna Younger, Citizens for Sequim Schools

Marilyn Walsh, Administrative Assistant Candi Hayden, Citizens for Sequim Schools

Tom Kelly

Doug & Linda DeIvernois

Pam Landoni, District Office

Colleen McAleer, Port


Vice-President Horan moved to approve the minutes from the September 19, 2016 Regular Board Meeting, as presented. Director Stoffer seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.


Director Short moved to approve the agenda as printed. Vice-President Horan seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.


  • Student Board Representative Téa Gauthun reported that Olympic Peninsula Academy just finished their initial iReady testing. They extended an invitation to their seasonal Fall Festival on October 14th from noon till 3 pm, beginning with a potluck, followed by cider pressing, a bake sale, and crafts. Olympic Peninsula Academy is also currently participating in the ‘Boys in the Boat’ reading/activities along with the rest of the district. Helen Haller hosted the visiting Shiso Sister City students and chaperones, who were given a tour of the building, visiting several grade levels and the computer lab. Students were presented with a small Helen Haller memento to remember their visit. The October fundraising jog-a-thon has been postponed. They are hoping to have it in late November. The Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra will start their ‘Adventures in Music’ program with New England Fiddle Music. They will visit Helen Haller on October 12 for two assemblies. Students and staff look forward to this musical program. Greywolf students really enjoyed attending the Dungeness River Festival on September 23. The second monthly parent engagement will be held on October 5th from 6:30-7:30, talking about "How to help your child be a better reader!" Greywolf Elementary has finished taking fall Reading and math MAP Tests. Their Jog-A-Thon is Friday, October 7th. It is hosted by our PTA and is our primary fundraiser this year. Téa plans to get student feedback from her leadership class because that there are four different grade levels and a lot of diversity, and her AP US History class.
  • Student Board Representative Kaylee Gumm reported that Sequim Middle School is happy to report they received two grant awards from OSPI. The first grant was for $20,000 and is based on their improvement status. These funds will be used for professional development and school improvement planning. The second grant was for $8,000. These funds are used to purchase social emotional curriculum and the training for teachers. Sequim Middle School had a very successful Back to School night last week, hundreds of families enjoyed learning about the school and their child's day. Sequim Middle School staff are working very hard during Professional Development Mondays. Teachers have evaluated student achievement and perceptual data. They are also engaging in developing Student Growth Goals that connected school improvement planning process as well. Last week Sequim High School held their annual college fair in the gym, where colleges from all over the country come and have a booth where kids can talk to administrative counselors and help get an idea of what they want to do after high school. There was a scholarship notebook meeting on Monday, October 3 so seniors are really starting to dig into senior year responsibilities. October 3-8 is homecoming week, with a 90's theme, so throughout the week there are spirit days for the 50's 60's and 70's. There will be the last home game against Port Angeles on Friday, October 7 with the homecoming dance on Saturday, October 8.

PUBLIC COMMENTS - The Board believes that public comments are a very important connection between our community and the Board. This time is set aside for receiving both written and oral communication.

  • Mr. Robert Streett, Citizens for Sequim Schools Treasurer, expressed support for a facilities proposal to appear on the February ballot.
  • Mr. Mike McAleer from Citizens for Sequim Schools, urged the board to adopt a ballot measure soon, as time is needed to put together a well-done campaign message.
  • Ms. Shenna Younger told of a high school student, Tatum Jenson, who is coordinating the Boo on Hunger food drive and urged everyone to consider donating.
  • Ms. Colleen McAleer, Port Commissioner, urged the school district to work with the county to offer career and technical education classes designed to fill local jobs experiencing a lack of qualified workers.
  • Mr. Brian Kuh reported that the North Olympic Development District will soon have ready a draft plan, and thanked Superintendent Neal for participating in the “Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities & Threats (SWOT) analysis. Discussion followed.


  • Director Howe asked Ms. McAleer how the board could help facilitate the partnership between the schools and the business community regarding job training.
  • Director Short met with the Shiso City Ambassadors and enjoyed visiting with them along with Superintendent Neal on September 27.
  • Director Stoffer suggested a goal of submitting a Board of Distinction Application for next year. It will be due in September, so would give time to review the application as a Board; divide up the sections and have status checks throughout the year. Director Stoffer thanked Director Short and Marilyn thank you for covering for him last Tuesday during the School Tours. They returned to Shiso safely at 20:30 hr (8:30 pm). Here are some of students' voices: "I wish we could stay in Sequim longer; I want to go back; In the beginning I was anxious, but everyone in Sequim was so kind; the scale of everything was large; I have seen something new and my world view is enlarged; they were tired but in the Superintendent of Instruction’s (Shiso) observation; they have grown up (more self-confident). Thank you so much Sequim. Director Stoffer attended the 24th District; position 2 League of Women Voters Forum last Thursday, and will be attending the Bureau of Natural Resources Meeting in Olympia tomorrow Morning. The agenda lists a discussion on the Arrearage and Harvest Plan. The Washington State School Directors Association Timber Lands Task Force held 3 Forums last Tuesday in Sequim and Port Angeles, with 30 attendees between the 3 locations. Overall the information seem to be well received and appreciated. A lot of questions were asked and answered; I believe some were surprised and then pleased at the level of involvement / interaction and partnership between the Washington State School Directors Association Timber Lands Task Force and Department of Natural Resources. The presentation is available upon request; we can post it perhaps on the District’s webpage; plus we do have Video of the PA forums. October 4 the two Candidates for County Commissars will be debating in another League of Women Voters Forum. On October 12th a forum will feature candidates for U.S. Representative and State Senator at County Commissioners Meeting Room, 6pm and on 25 OCT the new Land Commissar candidates will be debating at the PABA Breakfast Forum.
  • Vice-President Horan attended the Shiso City dinner and enjoyed sitting with our City Council members and getting a chance to discuss common issues. Director Horan also gave more information on her work toward getting Free Clinic services for our homeless students age 17 and 18.
  • Director Henrikson suggested holding a board goal-setting workshop prior to the Regular meeting on November 21. The exit slips asked for an update on the modular buildings going in at Greywolf Elementary.

CONSENT AGENDA – REQUEST BOARD APPROVAL: Any item may be moved to New Business with a motion from any Board member.

a. General Fund Vouchers No. 186719 thru No. 186719 in the total amount of $33,974.00; and No. 18670 thru No. 18635 in the total amount of $224,447.52.

b. ASB Fund Vouchers No. 10606 thru No. 10616 in the total amount of $26,275.76; and No. 10617 thru No. 10632 in the total amount of $23,734.97.

c. Payroll for September 2016 in the total amount of $2,126,010.34.

d. Personnel – Employment with the District will be conditional upon the district’s receipt of a criminal conviction history record that is clear of any convictions, adjudications, protective orders, final decisions, or criminal charges in accordance with Washington State law and conditional upon receipt of a sexual Misconduct Disclosure Form from prior Washington State employer(s), where employment was in a school setting, indicating that no sexual, verbal or physical misconduct materials were found in the records of such employer(s) pursuant to RCW 28A.400 and WAC 180-87-080.

1. Accept Letter of Resignation from Charles Drabek, Sequim High School Wrestling coach, effective immediately, as presented.

2. Accept Letter of Resignation from Sean O’Mera, Junior Class Advisor, effective immediately, as presented.

3. Offer Certificated Kindergarten teaching position to Carla Drescher, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective September 29, 2016 as presented.

4. Offer Interim Executive Director of Business and Finance position to Heidi Hietpas, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective September 14, 2016 as presented.

5. Approve Leave of Absence Request for Kathryn Schaller, Paraeducator, from September 27, 2016 through November 1, 2016 as presented.

e. Overnight travel request for 60 for High School Choir students to travel to Stanwood, Washington on December 3-4, 2016 to perform at "The Lights of Christmas" at Warm Beach, as presented. John Lorentzen, High School Choir Director

f. Potential Overnight and Out-of-State travel request for 1-5 High School Choir students to travel to New York City, New York on February 2-6, 2017 to participate in the Special Honors Series Festival at Carnegie Hall, pending outcome of auditions, as presented. John Lorentzen, High School Choir Director

g. Overnight travel request for 1-6 High School band students and 20+ Choir students to travel to Bellevue, Washington on February 17-19, 2017 (President's Day Weekend) to compete in All Northwest/All State Band and Choir, as presented. Vern Fosket, High School Band Director and John Lorentzen, High School Choir Director.

h. Overnight and Out-of-State travel request for approximately 26 students to travel to Moscow, Idaho on February 23-26, 2017 to participate in the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival, as presented. Vern Fosket, High School Band Director

i. Overnight and Out-of-State travel for approximately 70 Sequim High School band students to travel to Anaheim, California on March 21-26, 2017 to participate in the Heritage Competition, as presented. Vern Fosket, High School Band Director

j. Overnight travel request for 5-20 High School Band students and approximately 20 High School Choir students to travel to Ellensburg, Washington to compete in All State Solo & Ensemble, as presented. Vern Fosket, High School Band Director and John Lorentzen, High School Choir Director.

k. Overnight travel request for Olympic Peninsula Academy students to travel to Shoreline, Washington January 20-21, 2017 to participate in Regional Future City Competition, as presented. Lillian Hardesty, Future City Advisor

l. Overnight travel request for High School Future Farmers of America to travel to Randle, Washington on October 7-8, 2016 to attend Cispus Leadership Camp, as presented. Steve Mahitka, FFA Advisor.

m. Overnight and Out-of-State travel request for approximately five students to travel to Indianapolis, Indiana on October 19-23, 2016 to attend the National Future Farmers of America Convention, as presented. Steve Mahitka, FFA Advisor

n. Accept Cash Donation from Sequim Community Church in the amount of $40,000 to be used for Completing Outdoor Therapeutic Space for Living Skills; Providing Scholarships for Low-Income Students; Support funds For Kids at Hope and Funds for Equipment and Supplies for Courtyard Improvements, as presented.

Vice-President Horan moved to accept the Consent Agenda, items ‘a’ thru ‘n’ as presented. Director Short seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.


There was none at this time.


  • Director Stoffer, Board Legislative Representative, recently attended the WSSDA Legislative Assembly and presented an overview of the legislative priorities for the upcoming legislative session. Discussion followed. Vice-President Horan moved to approve the WSSDA Legislative priorities as presented. Director Short seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.
  • Director Short moved to approve the Perkins Grant proposal being submitted to provide funds for qualified Career and Technical programs as presented. Director Stoffer seconded. Discussion followed. Vote taken; motion carried.
  • Superintendent Neal hopes to have Proposals/Resolutions for an EP&O Levy and a Capitol Projects levy to appear on the February2017 ballot. Discussion followed.
  • Superintendent Neal put forth his Evaluation Goals and Timelines, with updates scheduled for November 21, 2016; February 21, 2017 and May 15, 2017, which will be posted in OneNote. Board Members will be able to add their comments, as well.


a. Ms. Sonja Bittner, School Nurse, gave an overview of the many areas of responsibility encompassing Student Health Services. She commended Ardis Mangano and Kerry Wyman-Webb for their assistance in screening, evaluation and management of thousands of visits to the district’s health rooms. Discussion followed.

b. Steve Mahitka, Sequim High School FFA Advisor, gave an overview of the Future Farmers of America program and of the many career and technical aspects of the program beyond just farming. Discussion followed.

c. Dr. Ann Renker, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, shared with the board student growth in K-12 Math, especially at the elementary level, where a new math curriculum has been piloted.

d. Dr. Ann Renker, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, reviewed with the board the Indistar program, the online template for used for School Improvement Plans. Discussion followed.

e. Marilyn Walsh, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, gave an update on numbers of homeschooled students and students who choose to attend online school. Discussion followed.

f. Superintendent Gary Neal thanked Clallam County PUD for sharing doughnuts and coffee with Greywolf Elementary. State negotiations are still going on regarding construction of the new modular classrooms at Greywolf. We are near the top of the list for the project. Superintendent Neal is working on getting a facilitator to help us moving forward with a Strategic Plan. The goal is to start work on this in November. Some calendar adjustments have been necessary regarding School Improvement Plan presentations. In order to better meet timelines, presentations will take place in the Board Room and two schools will be presenting on the same evening. The first presentations will be by Greywolf Elementary, Olympic Peninsula Academy and Sequim Options School on Monday, November 7.


  • President Henrikson passed out exit slips to all board members


President Henrikson drew board members’ attention to:

a. Upcoming Board Meetings, etc.

    • October 17 – Regular Board Meeting
    • October 29 – WSSDA 2016 Fall Regional Meeting at Cape Flattery School District in Neah Bay
    • November 16-19 – 2016 WSSDA Annual Conference in Spokane

b. Free & Reduced Lunch totals for September 2016


At 8:48pm Director Stoffer moved to adjourn the Regular Meeting. Vice-President Horan seconded. Vote taken; motion carried.