Sequim School District No. 323
“Inspire and Achieve“
503 North Sequim Avenue, Sequim, WA 98382
Telephone: (360) 582-3260, FAX: (360) 683-6303,
Preliminary Agenda Revised December 30, 2016 – All meetings in the District Board Room unless otherwise noted.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017 – 6 PM Regular Board Meeting
Agenda – Board Meeting
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Request approval of the minutes from the December 5, 2016 Regular Board Meeting.
- The Board believes that public comments are a very important
connection between our community and the Board. This time is set aside
for receiving both written and oral communication. We ask first that if
you have comments, you come forward, introduce yourself and share your
comments. Comments will be taken in the following order:
- Regarding Agenda items
- Regarding general items
Each speaker will be allowed 3 minutes and a red card will be held up when 30 seconds remains. (Ref. Policy 1400, 1623, and 1620P)
- Board president response to any action items from public comments
- Regular board communication
- Review last meeting’s exit slips
- CONSENT AGENDA – REQUEST BOARD APPROVAL: Any item may be moved to New Business with a motion from any Board member.
- General Fund Vouchers No. 187295 thru No. 187303 in the total amount of $27,372.89; and No. 187304 thru No. 187332 in the total amount of $18,862.22; and No. 187333 thru No. 187333 in the total amount of $700.42; and No. 187334 thru No. 187407 in the total amount of $161,031.80; and No. 187408 thru No. 187475 in the total amount of $67,041.23.
- ASB Fund Vouchers No. 10706 thru No. 10723 in the total amount of $19,181.89.
- Personnel
- Employment with the District will be conditional upon the district’s
receipt of a criminal conviction history record that is clear of any
convictions, adjudications, protective orders, final decisions, or
criminal charges in accordance with Washington State law and conditional
upon receipt of a sexual Misconduct Disclosure Form from prior
Washington State employer(s), where employment was in a school setting,
indicating that no sexual, verbal or physical misconduct materials were
found in the records of such employer(s) pursuant to RCW 28A.400 and WAC
- Offer Classified Bus Driving position to Cal Scott, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective December 5, 2016 as presented.
- Offer Classified Bus Aide position to Jody Wilkinson, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective December 12, 2016 as presented.
- Approve request for Unpaid Leave of Absence for Justine Wagner, High School Health teacher, from January 17-19, 2017 as presented.
- Offer Certificated Grade 4/5 Split teaching position to Robert Mendiola, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective January 3, 2017 as presented.
- Accept Letter of Resignation from Peter Harker, Sequim Middle School Paraeducator, effective immediately, for the purpose of doing substitute teaching, as presented.
- Approve Leave of Absence Request from Julie Romberg, Sequim High School English teacher, from April 1, 2017 through June 15, 2017 as presented.
- Offer Executive Director of Finance and Operations position to Heidi Hietpas, for the 2016-2017 school year, removing the “Interim” from her title, effective January 1, 2017 as presented.
- Offer Classified 4-hour/day High School Health Paraeducator position to Cherie Myers, for the 2016-2017 school year, effective January 3, 2016 as presented.
- Accept Cash Donation to Sequim High School in the amount of $1,500 for students in need and $3,000 toward Winter Wishes, as presented.
- For Second Reading and Adoption Policy #2140 – Guidance and Counseling.
This policy is revised to reflect the American School Counselor
Association (ASCA) National Model of Counseling core principles. The
suicide portion of this policy has been incorporated into its own policy
and procedure. These changes have been vetted by our school counselors
and school psychologists and our school nurse, who recommend approval.
Classified Discretionary. Sonja Bittner, School Nurse
- For Second Reading and Adoption Policy #3420 – Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response.
ESB 5104, which went into effect July 28, 2013, gives districts the
ability to better prepare for student anaphylaxis events. The intent of
the new law is to ensure that all students have greater access to the
life-saving drug during an anaphylactic attack. It allows designated,
trained school personnel to administer epinephrine from the school
supply to students previously diagnosed with life-threatening allergies.
Classified Essential.
- At First Reading Policy #3246 – Restraint, Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force.
OSPI has issued newly revised regulations on Chapter 392-172A, WAC
pursuant to HB 1240 which passed in the 2015 legislative session. HB
1240 impacted use of restraint and isolation for ALL students, not just
those with disabilities. That’s why this update to Policy/Procedure
3246, Use of Restraint, Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force
needs approval, even though Sequim School District does not employ the
use of Restraint or Isolation. Classified Essential.
- At Second Reading Policy #5281 –Disciplinary Action and Discharge.
The policy has been updated to clarify: 1) that the law does not
require discipline in every situation; 2) that sufficient cause is
necessary for disciplinary action or discharge; and 3) that reports of
child abuse or neglect must be reported to CPS, law enforcement, OSPI
and parents as required by law. The procedure has been deleted because
it is an unnecessary reiteration of the policy, RCWs and applicable
collective bargaining agreements. Classified Discretionary
- Approve 2016-2017 School Improvement Plans for Greywolf Elementary,
Helen Haller Elementary, Olympic Peninsula Academy, Sequim Middle
School, Sequim High School and Sequim Options School, as presented.
- Introduction to Policy #3115 – Homeless Students:
Enrollment Rights and Services. The law now requires middle and high
school principals who have identified more than ten unaccompanied youth,
to establish a point of contact for homeless youth. Additionally,
amendments were made to the McKinney-Vento Act and Title I, Part A of
the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which took effect on October 1,
2016. Classified Essential. Matt Duchow, Learning Support Services.
- Update to Policy #3140 – Release of Resident Students.
The policy has been revised to include an additional justification for
release pursuant to statute. Classified Essential. Marilyn Walsh,
Administrative Assistant
- Inclement Weather Plan – Jeff Gossage, Director of Transportation
- Superintendent’s Report
- Upcoming Board Meetings, etc.
- January 16 – Regular Board Meeting Moved to TUESDAY, January 17 @ 6pm due to Holiday
- Monday, February 1 – 6pm Regular Board Meeting
- February 12-13 – 2017 Legislative Conference
- Monday, February 20 – Regular Board Meeting Moved to TUESDAY, February 21 @ 6pm due to Holiday
- February 14, 2017 – Bond Election
- November 2016 Budget Summary
- November Comparative Budget Report
- November Budget Status Report